Present the Evidence

I had a client who, despite being a large man, had been domestically mistreated by his much smaller wife throughout their marriage. After the divorce, she turned her anger on their son.
He ran away one day to live with his dad, and we filed to restrict his ex’s parenting time and ask for a permanent modification to the custody agreement.
At the permanent hearing, she denied hurting the child or my client in front of the child, said she never threatened anyone ever, and that she never made disparaging remarks about my client in front of their son, either. But there was one big thing she didn’t know and couldn’t tell her attorney.
My client had recorded multiple instances of her doing all of these things. So I called my client back up for rebuttal right after her testimony and played an audio recording of her screaming at my client, threatening to break his face in, and calling him a loser,
All while the child could be heard in the background begging her to stop. I looked over at the other attorney and she had her face in her hands. We won. Story credit: Reddit / BiscuitsUndGravy