“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

She Blamed His Ghost


Three years ago, I had to move my dad in with me and my then-wife because his heart was failing. He had congestive heart failure and stage 4 cancer. I was his caretaker until the end. At my father’s memorial, my now ex-wife was severely disrespectful.

She sat away from the group and sarcastically clapped while my sister gave her speech. I gave my speech and took my ex to the side yard away from people. I asked her why she did that and why she would be so disrespectful at my father’s memorial. I told her to leave.

She leaned forward and put her thumbnail in my throat. She then told me that my father’s ghost came to her and put his hands on her shoulders. She then claimed his ghost told her that he was sorry he didn’t raise me better, that I wasn’t good enough for her, and she should marry a real man.

Of course, I didn’t believe what she was saying. I didn’t divorce her soon enough. She was extremely narcissistic and twisted my whole father’s passing into her being so hurt by all the difficulties. Story credit: Reddit / Uminx

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