He Thought He Wouldn’t Be Found

My ex lifted a car and did 18 months in state prison. Based on what I was able to find online at the time, he had approached a car dealership and showed interest in buying a vehicle. They allowed him to take it home for a 24-hour demo. But he never returned it.
They reported it stolen after they attempted to contact him multiple times to return it. They then contacted the state authorities who put a BOLO out. They found him driving the vehicle on the other side of the state where he thought he wouldn’t be found.
I found out about it when I got an unexpected phone call from the sheriff’s office. I asked why they were calling me about this and they said my ex told them I would vouch for him as a “character witness”.
I told the officer over the phone that my ex was a lying sack of poop and shouldn’t be trusted. The officer laughed, thanked me for my time and hung up. Story credit: Reddit / NeonBird