“Psycho Ex” Stories That Will Make You Wish You Were Single

I Loved Her Unconditionally


I have a couple of very serious medical conditions, and it led to me meeting a girl who went to another high school at the doctor’s office. Not knowing anything about her disease, I started dating her. I found out a little later that she had a super severe form of lupus.

I didn’t care. I was there for her unconditionally. I was spending many nights in the hospital with her to the point where I got expelled due to my attendance. When things got worse, I was there every day and every night cuddled up against her. So what did she do to me?

She broke up with me because she doesn’t think I could handle the loss and exiled me from seeing her. Note to everyone… ICU nurses do mean it when they say you AREN’T on the visitors’ list. She died a month later.

I still take flowers to her grave on the day of her birthday and the day of her passing, and her mother loves me. It took over two years to fall out of that deep deep depression, and girls I’ve dated since have criticized me because I take flowers out to her grave. Story credit: Reddit / jmatticjk

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