Our Lease is Up

In my 20s, I lived with a woman, and things hadn’t been going well. It was time to break up. The place was leased by me, and she had no intention of staying there permanently. So, as a way of being nice, I told her I would stay at a friend’s house for the rest of the month while she found a new place.
That gave her about three weeks. I went on an impromptu road trip with my buddy about two weeks into it, and when I got back, she let me know she had moved out while I was away, so about a week prior. When I got back to my apartment, I was stunned by what I saw.
Everything I owned was piled up in the center of the living room. The apartment looked ready to rent to new tenants, except for the massive pile of furniture, collectibles, clothing, medicine, and food from the fridge and pantry.
And, since it was June, there were maggots on all the food. It took a week to sort through. I found my childhood teddy bear, ripped at his neck, with its head just dangling there, and its 25-year-old stuffing, bleeding out. I kept imagining her dragging heavy stuff around, carrying on with this for days.
A year later, I ran into her at a show. She acted like she was happy to see me “after all this time” and as if nothing messed up had happened. Story credit: Reddit / PeetSquared41