I’ll Always Be There For You

I’m a social worker who works with children. We got this underaged girl who was raised by a mother suffering from Munchhausen-by-proxy Syndrome, which essentially means the mother pretends that her child is sick to get attention and the pity of other people.
This goes as far as poisoning her own child just to have a reason to seek out doctors and get their attention. The mother in question was incredibly horrible, even when her daughter got taken away from her.
For some reason, officials never took child custody from her, which made it easy for her to influence her daughter’s life from far away. She specifically used it to tell her daughter that she loved her and will always be there for her, but every time she needed to be there, she wasn’t.
This led to an absolutely heartbreaking moment. One day, her daughter got pregnant. However, the fetus wasn’t viable, so they had to perform an operation. All the mother needed to do was grant permission by email, but although I called her several times and she assured me she would send it, it just never came.
It took three whole, agonizing days for that poor girl to get the procedure she needed, simply because her mother just didn’t do anything.
We finally reached out to CPS and got permission through them, but her daughter was deeply harmed by this and just never recovered from it. Seeing her like this was my first “I need a minute” moment. Story credit: Reddit / SquishHotS