I Wish I Had That Time Back

I was 17 and recently homeless because my parents kicked me out for being bi and dating a girl. Unfortunately, this girl was also horrible, and actually once fed a neighbor’s dog cut-up razor shards. As a result of the relationship, I was deeply depressed and anxious.
So, I saw the therapist at my college, who told me that “women aren’t abusers” with a real snooty attitude. When I countered with examples, she scoffed and said it “must not be that bad if I didn’t just leave.” Yep, classic blame the victim stuff. And then she asked for my payment.
I was young and scared and had no support net, and in hindsight I was trying to find someone to help me mentally steel myself to leave this girl. Instead, the “therapist” made me feel invalidated and weak and stupid. As a result, I stayed in a relationship that only got worse and more dangerous.
I stayed for five more years, if you can believe it. I eventually figured it out, but she did so much harm. I wish I had that time back…plus a much better therapist than I got. Story credit: Reddit / Self_of_steam