Couples Therapy

My ex and I had broken up, but before we ended things, we booked a couple’s therapy appointment. Even though we were over, my ex still wanted to go to the appointment “for closure.” This was around the holidays, and she had been pressuring me to decide if I would be celebrating Christmas with her family.
I was putting it off because I wasn’t sure. It would be weird since we weren’t together, but since she wanted to tell her family after the holidays, we’d have to pretend that we were still a couple. It was such a mess.
Anyway, when we were at our counseling session, my ex brought up the whole Christmas thing, saying she needed me to be there. I told her that was dumb, that I didn’t want to pretend to be together, and that the whole thing was messed up.
Then my ex looked at the therapist and was like, “Obviously, I’m right. Don’t you agree?” The therapist laughed out loud, then went bright red and apologized for being unprofessional. My ex still hates the therapist. I kept the therapist. I like her attitude, honestly. Story credit: Reddit / RussetWolf