Real Life Bad Therapy Sessions That Were Very Memorable

Crisis Management


I work in mental health and crisis management. A few years ago, I worked with a young person who had significant ongoing suicidal ideation and was dealing with a lot of emotional pain.

I spent a lot of time with them, looking at de-escalation strategies and working out what their mental health management plan should be as they move forward. It was a high-pressure situation, but not too out of the ordinary for my line of work. Well, until I met this poor young person’s parents.

One of their parents came in so we could discuss what had been going on with their child. I had the child’s consent to discuss aspects of our sessions with the parent, of course.

Midway through me trying to explain some of the child’s psychological issues and go through ways the parent could help, they said something that made my jaw drop.

They actually asked me, “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but is this going to take much longer? I have a show to go and watch?” All I can say is, I never judge my patients.

I’ve never walked their path or viewed the world through their eyes. But the people around them who perpetuate their suffering through ignorance, malice, and selfishness, I judge them. Story credit: Reddit / Tedkin

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