You Betrayed Me

Once I was with an adolescent client who wanted help because of his impulsive and antisocial behavior. During our fourth session, he tells me that he had bought pills to calm himself.
As he continues explaining that he got them for “cheap,” he reaches into his backpack and brings out what I only assume were thousands of very powerful…antipsychotics.
Like, these were STRONG. They were restricted for public use and were like $100 a pill. He was totally unaware of the price and only knew that the “friend” who gave them to him expected “some” value/compensation out of the transaction.
He didn’t want to sell them and was totally unaware of the danger of dealing with the kinds of people who would sell them. At some point, I had to stop the session and explain to him the severity of the situation.
Thankfully I worked in the public sector and managed to get the family a lawyer and help from the municipality in case they were threatened to give back the money.
They immediately left the pills with the authorities. For a couple of months, he thought I “betrayed” him, but he kept coming and finally understood that the law can also bring you protection.
He has been doing much better since then. I have to admit that at some point I was in awe of the unawareness of the boy. Story credit: Reddit / DyausVaruna