Recovery Center

I worked in a recovery center for families. We received a family where the mother had a diagnosis of BPD, dissociative disorder, and c-PTSD with domestic charges, battery charges, and previous addictions.
She also had a couple of kids, so part of her program involved re-learning how to interact with her children and being a better mother. Here I was working with this family fresh out of my masters and, in all honesty, I was way out of my league.
One of the kids was basically what we would call the “channeler” in the family. They channeled all the anger, sadness, and rage from the mom onto everyone else. We tried talking to the mom about how she interacted with this child. It couldn’t have gone worse.
All communication between the family came in the form of screaming, grabbing, or restraining them, but mom could not grasp it. She was in trauma therapy but still was having difficulty processing.
We were on a walk, and just out of nowhere the mom body-slammed that kid to the concrete floor, shocking my co-worker and I. That was the moment when I judged my client. This kid was like six years old and just looked so scared and sad. Story credit: Reddit / fuff1234