Real Life Bad Therapy Sessions That Were Very Memorable

A Bad Start


I was told that with medication and therapy, I could become straight, and then I would “be fine.” She wasn’t a psychiatrist, and couldn’t prescribe medication, but encouraged me many times to get my hormones tested, which all showed up normal.

She insisted that if I wasn’t chemically gay, then I must have experienced trauma with a man to have made me that way. She didn’t believe me when I said no, I’m fine with men, I love my dad a normal amount, and I never suffered trauma with a man.

She was just very cold and weirdly unable to deal with people expressing emotions, and I know that she received complaints from other clients too.

Thankfully, I switched psychologists eventually, and I was ironically too distraught during our sessions to really absorb anything the old therapist was saying and to put her plans into action. Still, what a horrible way to start off therapy. I was 14 years old. Story credit: Reddit / gracejeffbuckley

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