What About a Brain Transplant?

I provided therapeutic services for people with brain injuries. I was trying to explain to a family that they needed to accept their son/brother as he was in the moment because, in all likelihood, he wasn’t going to get any better.
The family was being unkind to him, calling him stupid, and generally being the worst version of family “support.” The family said they would never accept him as he was and demanded that I arrange a brain transplant for him so that he could go back to the way he was before the accident.
I didn’t react, but my student completely lost it and started laughing uncontrollably. She had to leave. That outraged the family, who demanded an explanation.
I literally had to explain to them, a group of adults, that first, brain transplants are not possible, and second, if a brain transplant was possible, that would mean putting a different person into their son’s body. They didn’t get it.
Instead, they insisted I could do it and that I was just too lazy and dumb to try. I felt so sorry for that poor young man. Story credit: Reddit / NZT-48Rules