Chilling Revelations

I was working at a rehabilitation center, and there was a client who checked in and was a self-proclaimed, “drug lord.” As we worked together, he told me about his history. During our conversation, he made a chilling revelation. He admitted to selling his sister into slavery.
He forcibly injected her with sedatives and narcotics, and people, “taught her a lesson.” He never shared what that meant. He told this story with a blank face, smiling only when he recalled the “good times,” which he referred to as times when he had enough substances to get through the day.
I do not know where he is at now and honestly, I don’t want to. But this disturbing conversation with a horrible man did have a good side.
It inspired me to work with victims of human trafficking, because not only do they deal with the stigma of “selling their bodies,” they often manage addiction issues at the same time.
People would honestly be floored if they knew how many people’s addictions started against their own will, when somebody forcibly gave them something. Story credit: Reddit / A_Bird_On_Speed