Real Life Coincidences That Made People Question the Nature of Reality

We Hadn’t Seen Each Other in Years


I was backpacking through Europe with a friend of mine. We were on a train platform in Germany waiting for our sleeper train to Prague. I heard my name being called from about 30 feet behind us. I turned around and saw two high school classmates of mine from back in the United States that I had not seen in about five years.

We talked until the train pulled up and decided to meet up at our destination. We walked in opposite directions, getting on the train at different ends of the same car. But we were in for another surprise. 

As we looked for our room that was pre-booked, we saw them coming towards us. It turned out they had been booked in the same cabin and were in the bunks next to us. We had a really great time. Story credit: Reddit / dazzford

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