Real Life Coincidences That Made People Question the Nature of Reality

A Divine Presence


After college, I moved to Chicago. One day I decided to take a surprise trip back home to South Carolina. There were many routes that I could have taken, but I decided on taking the scenic route through the mountains and back roads. I was about an hour from civilization, in the middle of the Appalachians, when my car broke down.

It was December and extremely cold out. I got out of my car, put multiple layers on, and prepared for a very long walk several miles to the next small town. I turned around and shut the door when a car came around the bend and passed me. They didn’t stop at first, but about a mile down the road, they turned around and came back.

I was excited to get picked up and get out of the cold, so I figured it was worth the risk. I opened the door and when I saw who was driving, my jaw dropped straight to the floor. I completely dumbfounded to see that the driver was MY GRANDFATHER. He had decided to take an impromptu road trip, again, using back roads, to upstate Tennessee.

It was the kind of coincidence that makes you question a divine presence. Story credit: Reddit / achsullivan

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