Real Life Coincidences That Made People Question the Nature of Reality

I Never Wanted To See It Again


I got an Ouija board. It was fun to mess around with at parties, but after several weird nights, I decided to get rid of it. I gave it to a friend that I knew I was never going to talk to again because she was going to school in Alabama. A month later, at a random party that I would normally skip, I ran into her, and she happened to bring the Ouija board with her.

Somehow, that night, it found its way into the trunk of my car, and I ended up taking it home. Three months later, I gave it to someone else, this time to someone on the West Coast. Six months later, she was back in town, and the board ended up at my place somehow—again. I didn’t want anything to do with it. Finally, I met some exchange students from Austria.

I convinced them to take it with them as a funny American souvenir. I was in my senior year of college and graduating. They went back to Europe and took the board with them. All was well, and I knew I was never going to see it again—or so I thought. The next year I went to a Halloween party. I dropped in on some friends who were still in school.

I started walking in the back door and saw the two exchange students from Austria. They were back and at this one particular party. I made everyone who was with me leave. I didn’t want to find out if they had the board, as I didn’t want to get it back again. I still worry that someday that thing is going to show up on my doorstep. Story credit: Reddit / alcimedes

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