Real Life Coincidences That Made People Question the Nature of Reality

A String of Coincidences


A long time ago, I had a mobile phone before they were common. I was meeting up with an online friend for the first time to have a coffee. We were walking around looking for a coffee shop when we heard sirens close by. They were followed by cruisers and ambulances. We simultaneously said, “I’ve never seen a dead person.”

We laughed and kept on walking, not really thinking about the comment. Just as we were crossing the street, we both looked ahead. In the crowd ahead of us, there was an old woman who was standing perfectly still in the middle of the moving crowd. Well, our fun day was about to turn into a nightmare. A second later, she fell like a tree flat down on the street.

My friend and I instantly ran up to the woman, thinking, “Oh my God, did she just die?!” There were two other women approaching, who were obviously concerned as well. They asked the surrounding crowd and us if anyone had a mobile phone. No one replied. I was the only one, so I picked it up and started dialing for an ambulance.

As I was dialing the number, I looked up, and to my surprise, I saw the crowd parting in front of me. A guy on a bike came in full speed through the people and yelled, “Let me through. I am trained for diabetic emergencies, and this woman needs my help!” 

He got off his bike and started checking the woman for life signs, put her in the sideways position, confirmed I had called the ambulance, and then took off on his bike, saying, “Stay with her until the ambulance arrives.”

A few minutes later, the woman came to, and we tried to make conversation with her. She didn’t speak, just gestured and silent-mouthed movements. I was worried she might be seriously injured. Then, one of the two women who had stopped to help started gesturing to the injured lady and said, “She is deaf. I know sign language.”

I was relieved, and after a few minutes, it was clear that the old woman was shaken but OK. She just wanted to go home. I called off the ambulance, shook her hand, and said goodbye to the other women. Needless to say, I have never ever experienced a string of coincidences like that before from multiple people involved. Story credit: Reddit / SwedeAids

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