Real Life Coincidences That Made People Question the Nature of Reality

Identical Apartments


Right after freshman year, I joined a research lab for the summer, as did this other guy who also finished his first year in biology. Sometime later, my dad told me that some woman he worked with had a son who was also in the same research institution I was in.

I rolled my eyes. My university had over 60,000 people. I asked him what lab, and it turned out her son was the guy I met in the lab.

Three years later, the same guy and I were dating. We decided to go to a country where my relatives lived and had been living for a long time. His family also had relatives in that same city and were wondering how far my relatives were from his.

It turned out mine and my boyfriend’s uncles lived on the same street, in the same building, one above the other, in identical apartments. They had known each other for 15 years, and were family friends. Story credit: Reddit

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