The Customer Is Always Right
I called a woman to buy a heavy bag from her. She said, “The price today is $35.00.” I said sounds good, but I don’t think I can get there today. Can I come get it tomorrow? She said yes. I get there the next morning, and offer her the $35.00 (two twenties) and say, we said $35.00, right? She said that was the price yesterday. Today it’s $40. I stopped and said, “You’re joking right?”
She said, “No, $40 is the price today.” I turned around to leave and she got upset saying something like I agreed to buy it, we had a deal, she stayed home so I could pick it up, etc. I said, “That was before the price was $40. I offered you $35 and you said ‘no.’ Sell it to the guy who agreed to pay $40. Goodbye.”
She was still yelling at me as I left.