Birthday Nope
High school, 14 years old, had a huge crush on this girl who was in a few of my classes.
One day I was leaving science class and someone behind me says my name. I turn around to see my crush and her friend. Her friend had spoken to me. She continues: “Hey did I tell you it was [crush]’s birthday today?”.
I look at her, look at crush (who looks nervous) and I think 3 things: 1) I’ve never spoken to you before; of course you didn’t tell me it’s her birthday. 2) Hey it’s my birthday in a few days! 3) Ohmigod! Crush is right there looking at me!
I quickly say “No.”, turn on my heel and leave. Only realised a couple weeks later she was probably going to invite me to a party or something. Everyone I’ve told this story to confirms that suspicion. Story credit: Reddit / Kovhert