Real Life Dating Stories of Women Who Totally Gave Guys the Creeps

Unfashionably Late


I went out on a date with a woman who was very attractive and kind. I didn’t know her very well and had only spoken to her a few times. When I got to the restaurant, I sat down and waited. And waited. Almost an hour later, she finally showed up with an unexpected surprise—her baby. I had no idea that she had a kid. It wasn’t a big of a deal.

Except I was only 20. She sat down and the waitress took our order. I talked about work, school, hobbies, and everything, but her toddler was throwing a fit. She threw her fork, straw, ice cubes, just anything she got her tiny hands-on. She was not interested in me at all, but that was fine considering she was a baby.

Meanwhile, my date just let me do most of the talking and just stared at me the whole time. I don’t even know if she blinked or not, but she did not try to calm her kid down or manage her at all. Even our waitress told her that her child was disrupting other guests. I left her a big tip because I’d been so embarrassed.

Later, she texted me and her message took me completely off-guard. She told me that I was “average.” When I asked her what she meant, she said that I only had average potential as I talked a lot but didn’t interact with her daughter. Apparently, I was not “father material.” Confused, I told her that we went on a first date and asked why she even brought her kid.

This lady told me that she brought her kid to test me. I made a joke about not getting a cheat sheet or study guide, and she told me that we weren’t right for each other as she didn’t “do average.” And then she blocked me! She also complained about the restaurant, which she chose! Story credit: Reddit / Embershot89

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