Real Life Dating Stories of Women Who Totally Gave Guys the Creeps

Get What You Give


I was at a bar where I often drank on the weekends, and a very much on the “plus” of “plus-sized” woman came asking me for a light. As a social and tipsy person, I gave her one. We talked, and when she was finished, she decided that she wanted to suck on something else. She was heavier than me, and I’m over 200 pounds.

She put her arm around me and tried to push me into the wall. She was trying to kiss me, and I told her to stop and to get off me, but she wouldn’t listen to me. So, I took drastic measures—I just pushed her down. She ended up falling off the curb a little and sat on the ground very visibly upset but unable to actually get herself up quickly.

I went back inside, paid for my tab, and left. When I went back to that bar the next weekend, some guy greeted me and called me an offender said that he should take me out back to “get what you give.” I decided to leave, but as I was walking out, the bartender told me that if I ever come back, she would call officers on me.

I was also not allowed to come back. I found out later that the woman had gone back inside and told everyone that I’d held her down on the sidewalk but couldn’t get it up and left her there. I went again after a while, and nobody seemed to remember. I’ve seen the woman who tried being friendly with me every time I did. Story credit: Reddit / skinnybonesmalone21

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