My Usual Place

I was at my usual bar where I hung out after work when a lady who’d obviously been drinking stumbled in. The staff knew me, so they let me sit during close. I’d been there for a half-hour before their official closing time, but I’d been their last customer anyway. This woman came right up to me and fell onto my shoulder.
She was talking, but it was incomprehensible, and I could tell by the bartender’s reaction that they weren’t going to serve her. She was hanging on my arm, and everyone started to think that I knew her. I was becoming uncomfortable but knew the manager was coming to tell her to leave, and I didn’t want to make a scene.
The manager was taking his sweet time, and this woman thought that would be the perfect time to make her move. She was at least thirty years my senior. She started running her hand up and down my leg.
I managed to push her off without agitating her that much. Then she started getting upset about not getting her drink yet. That was when the manager finally came and kicked her out. Story credit: Reddit / usercreationisaPITA