Real Life Dating Stories of Women Who Totally Gave Guys the Creeps

I Was Too Naive to Leave


When I was in college, I matched with a cute girl online After messaging over a week or two, she seemed great and nice and so definitely worth seeing. We set up the first date, and it was the worst first date that I’ve ever had. She came 40 minutes late and was several inches shorter and pounds heavier than her pictures.

The date almost ended right there, but I was too naive to just leave. So, we sat down and ordered drinks and food. She immediately ordered several drinks and picked two appetizers as well as the most expensive thing on the menu. We’d never discussed who was paying, but it looked like she clearly assumed that it was me.

She quickly drank her drinks then ordered more. And that’s when the real weirdness started.  She excessively complimented my looks in really creepy ways. I’m a big Scandinavian-looking guy with almost blonde hair and blue eyes and I’m 6’6. She was complimenting my features talking about how we’d have the cutest babies.

She downed a couple more drinks and ranted about mixed couples. Then she said that she needed to go to the bathroom. As soon as she was away from the table, I frantically looked around for the waitress. As soon as she got to the table, I’d started to explain what was going on, and she just winked and gave me my cheque.

She told me to follow her to the bar where she had my food wrapped up and ready. I quickly dropped cash with a big tip and got the heck out of there. When I got home, I opened my food and saw my waitress had left me a note with her number saying when she got off work and asking if I wanted to go on a better first date.

She was very pretty, so I was down. But here’s the best part—she told me that my date had not brought any money and had a huge fit. Officers were called to take her for attempted dine-and-dash.

So, her dad had to drive an hour into town to pay her bill for her to be able to go home that night. She later messaged me on every channel for months. Story credit: Reddit / anon_e_mous9669

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