Working From Home

One summer, I was working from home and got a new garden tool. When I got back, I started playing with it right away. It made a lot of noise, which meant it worked. So, I worked with it for a while, and time passed. Then a client was suddenly in front of me while I had my shirt off and was covered in fresh sweat.
I apologized profusely and pulled my T-shirt on. She needed to pick something up, so I showed her into my outdoor office. When we got inside, she took a deep breath to sniff the air. I didn’t smell bad, just fresh. She got what she came for then left. A few weeks after that, the same customer returned with her husband. Her behavior this time around was worse.
She stepped out of the car in a short, form-fitting, deep-cut black dress. It did not seem like appropriate attire for the time and place. She threw a pashmina over her shoulders in a way that was like a dance. So, we all went into my office. The office cat showed up when we sat down, so I introduced him to the couple.
The woman began stroking the cat, and the strokes became longer and longer until soon, she was touching my bare arm. I glared at her husband, but he was nervously looking away. I had had enough. So, I put down the cat then made an excuse to end the meeting. I did not want to be any part of their strange relationship. Story credit: Reddit / LactatingWolverine