Loosen Up

The first time I met my friend’s girlfriend, we were in a large group just chatting. After some drinks, we got to the topic of butts. I made a comment about respecting what people were into but that wasn’t what I was into at all. My friend’s girlfriend called me a prude, then she followed me around for the rest of the night. She had something fishy planned.
She kept trying to shove her fingers up my butt. I told her to stop so many times with no hint of playfulness. She even said that I felt too tense, which was obvious, and that I needed to loosen up or she wouldn’t be able to get it up there. This was happening while everyone else stood there watching. Later, when we were out, I ended up alone with her.
I told her how uncomfortable and violated she had made me feel. She just laughed at me, and the next day, she sent me a meme about it. I’m invited to her wedding and still don’t know if I should go. All I wanted to do was reconnect with my friends that night, not run away from some crazy person trying to get at my butt. Story credit: Reddit / HorseKarate