My Personal Space

A woman at work came from behind me while I was on an important call with a client and groped my chest. Disgusted, I slapped her hand away gesturing that I did not like what she was doing. So, she walked away only to sneak up on me and do it again. Once I finished the call and got off the phone, I was furious with her.
I told her that I did not like being touched and to never touch me again. Her response was chilling—she told me to settle down since she was not a man. Then she said that she expected less fat on my pecs and hoped that I didn’t suffer the same fate “down there.” This is when she crossed the line. It felt demeaning and like assault.
When I told my manager about it, she asked if I could forget the whole situation because it didn’t sound that serious. But I pressed her harder because if the genders were swapped, it would be instant termination. So, she couldn’t come to work for a week…but still got paid. Story credit: Reddit / Illfury