Real Life Dating Stories of Women Who Totally Gave Guys the Creeps



My cousin reconnected with a popular girl from high school many years later online. She’s all he ever talked about back then and she barely knew he existed. So, when he told me that they’d connected, I was very excited for him. After a few months of talking to Lisa long-distance, they planned to spend the weekend together.

They were apartment hunting together. My cousin even turned down a promotion opportunity in a new city to make things work for her. As he set off to go pick her up, he called me and was the happiest that I ever heard him. On the way back from picking her up, my husband and I had plans to meet with them for happy hour.

A couple of hours later, I noticed many missed phone calls from him. I called back and he was not answering. His texts were startling—he kept mentioning that he was a little worried and creeped out. Confused, I tried to get the story from him, but his responses were few and far in between. Finally, he called me from a gas station bathroom.

He told me that she was not the girl he thought he was talking to. It was not Lisa, but instead, Mary, another girl who went to our high school. When he picked her up, she casually strolled to the car and greeted him, making no reference to the fact that she’s a totally different person! He didn’t know what to do.

They continued as if nothing was amiss. She was not just using Lisa’s photos, but she was now also going by the name Lisa. It was just so bizarre! It was really sad because he’d really enjoyed her company, and they’d actually hit it off before meeting. He said she looked even better than he’d remembered.

He spent the day with her and then told her that work needed him for an emergency. He dropped her off and immediately blocked her on everything. He deleted his social media, and eventually, relocated the next month for work. It’s still a touchy subject for him, so I don’t bring it up. And we will never know her end game.

My cousin was really depressed about this for months. It sucked. But I do know that he eventually ran into someone who was in touch with the real “Lisa” and learned that she was happily married and living in another state. Story credit: Reddit / Due-Time-8151

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