Real Life Dating Stories of Women Who Totally Gave Guys the Creeps

Nearly Empty Train


I got on a nearly empty train at the end of the day to travel home from work. I sat down and was on my phone. As soon as the train departed, a woman, out of nowhere, tried to get my phone from me accusing me of trying to film her, which I had not done. I didn’t even notice her presence before she had started screaming.

When she finally left, I felt the need to go sit somewhere else, so I went to the next carriage. But just a few minutes later, she showed up again with the train conductor who asked for my side of the story. After showing her that I had no images of her on my phone, she tried to calm the woman down, but it didn’t work. In fact, things just got worse from there.

Then at the next station, another conductor came to me, and I had to show the contents of my phone once more to prove my innocence. They still were not able to calm the woman down. As the train was due to arrive at the airport, they saw no other option but to call ahead for the airport security, which she had demanded.

When the train arrived and all the other passengers got off, the airport security came on the train, and I had to repeat my story and show them my phone. After, they said that I was free to go but also asked me if I wanted to file charges against her, and I’d thought about it for a moment. I was tired and stressed out.

I just wanted to go home and requested that they held her there until my train had left. I needed to make sure that she could not go after me again as I traveled the last 15 minutes home on the second train. Story credit: Reddit / Sjoerd85

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