Real Life Dating Stories of Women Who Totally Gave Guys the Creeps

Block Her Number


I had a crush on a girl in high school who called me out of the blue a year after graduating. She wanted to “catch up,” so I said, why not? We hung out and I told her about how I was talking to this really awesome girl. Then she asked to see my dorm room. Thinking nothing of it, I said sure and brought her over. Big mistake.

As soon as we got in the room, she turned off the lights and shoved me onto the bed. She climbed on top of me and asked if I would regret sleeping with her right then. I thought about it for a moment and answered that I would regret it. She asked me why, and I told her that I was not that type of guy who’d do that.

Then, out of nowhere, she yelled about how all guys wanted to sleep with her and asked if my reluctance was because she’d gotten an STD. And she yelled asking me who told me about it. In an instant, she calmed down and told me that we could still be friends, and we didn’t need to be awkward about it and I could finish inside her.

I tossed her off me and kicked her out. Then I told her she was insane, deleted her online, and blocked her number. Story credit: Reddit / YoDJWhatsUp

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