Real Life Dating Stories of Women Who Totally Gave Guys the Creeps

Talking to Herself


I was in the men’s section is in the back corner of a store looking for underwear. After I found the rack, I had to spend a few minutes finding the pairs that were comfortable. While I searched, a lady walked past on the other side of the rack sobbing. She was pulling along luggage and speaking to someone on the phone.

I could hear her say something about her mother’s funeral and assumed she was on the phone with a relative. So, I kept on. By then, she sat down with her back against the emergency door still crying and talking, except the things she said started making little sense. That was when I realized that she wasn’t even on the phone.

She was talking to herself and probably had some issues. When another guy came to look at the underwear rack, he noticed the lady and gave me a questioning look. I just shrugged. We both went back to perusing the underwear, then all of a sudden, I felt the woman standing a few feet behind us. She tapped my shoulder.

When I turned, I realized she was basically on top of me with her mouth inches from my ear as if she was going to tell me a secret. If I’d turned my head faster, we would’ve kissed. Right then, she screamed at the top of her lungs directly in my ear, “Help! Don’t touch me!” The other guy and I stumbled back a few feet.

The lady then started sprinting toward me screaming not to touch her. She chased me through the store all the way to check out where employees stopped me.

The lady laid down on the floor sobbing, and people start to crowd around us. I was getting more nervous by the second, but the guy from the underwear rack showed up.

He explained what had happened and that she attacked me while I did nothing. If he wasn’t there to corroborate, I might have been in a lot of trouble. Story credit: Reddit / ImpulseCombustion

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