Real Life Fights That Completely Ruined Entire Relationships 

Karma Comes For Us All


This line at a Starbucks drive-thru I went to was really long. I was in line for a good maybe 20 minutes, until this lady in a Mercedes tries to cut in front of me and like eight others behind me. I laid on the horn and tried to block her from cutting me off but she succeeded anyway and flipped me off. But she didn’t know who she was messing with.

I’m the type of person who will not let someone get away with moves like this. So I waited until she pulls up and as soon as she tries to order, I honk. She then looks at me with a dirty look and gives me the finger, which I already had a middle finger of my own ready for her. Each time she makes an attempt to order something, I honk and sometimes lay on the horn for three seconds.

We stopped as soon as she drove off. We then ordered and went about our day. I just can’t with people who are extremely rude like that lady and I couldn’t simply let this go.


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