Real Life Fights That Completely Ruined Entire Relationships 

Jealous, Much?


I’m 16, and I started dating my girlfriend two years ago. I also got super into baking around that time. I bake a lot. My girlfriend loves desserts. So I’ve given her a ton of stuff I bake, all kinds of different stuff. I often try to bake something new and then she gets to try something new. I honestly love baking way more than eating it. My girlfriend is the opposite.

Well, recently she gave me a scrapbook she made. She had counted everything I baked her apparently, and she gave me this scrapbook after I baked her her 100th dessert. It was filled with a picture of every dessert I’ve baked and pictures of me baking and her eating. She wrote a paragraph about each item I baked. Each item was dated, too. She had been working on this for two years.

She also wrote a long letter on how proud she is of my baking hobby, thanking me for the sweets, and telling me how much she loves me. It was the sweetest gift I’ve ever gotten and I honestly cried. I showed my mom and sister expecting them to think it’s cute but they were furious. They were angry I’ve spent so much time baking for my girlfriend and not them.


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