Real Life Fights That Completely Ruined Entire Relationships 

The Truth Comes Out


My ex and I were together for five years. I decided to propose, but she rejected me. The next day, we had a talk. She realized that she was gay, since “I’ve been trying too hard to please myself with men.” We broke up. The very next day, I get bombarded with text messages. My friends asked if this was true, and they linked me to a post.

It was a Facebook post “exposing” me about me cheating. (I did not cheat on her. I did sleep with someone else the day we broke up). She said that’s why we broke up. Now, I usually am not evil, but this ticked me off. She was destroying my reputation for God knows what reason. I simply commented that the real reason that we broke up was that she is gay.

People didn’t believe me…until my ex literally screamed at me for outing her. Then a lot of people started to call her out for her lies. I know I’m probably a huge jerk. Though I feel like she deserves it.


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