Real Life Fights That Completely Ruined Entire Relationships 

Getaway Car


My sister’s car broke down six months ago because of her own stupidity. I won’t go into it here but she ignored the advice of a mechanic and because of that, her car broke. I decided to be nice and offer my sister my car until she could get hers fixed, as I could bike to work while she needed to drive. She did not get her car fixed for some reason.

She claimed to be saving money to do so, but every time her paycheck came she spent it. My parents have even offered her a loan to fix her car, but she refused. Along with all of this, she has been using my generosity and taking my car all day and night. I told her she could use it for work, but to her, it’s a free pass to use my car, not fill it with gas, and take it when I specifically tell her not to.

Recently, I’ve needed to get to work very early and I really don’t feel like riding my bike six miles at 3 in the morning, so I told my sister she had 30 days until I took the spare key from her and she is no longer allowed to use it. That was 32 days ago. Yesterday morning she woke up specifically before me to take my car (at 2:30 in the morning).

I called her and demanded she bring it back but she just hung up on me. This time, I didn’t hold back. I reported the car stolen. Officers caught up to her 30 minutes later and my parents had to go bail her out. My sister is now facing charges for unauthorized use of a car and my parents and her are angry at me. They claim I want way too far here but honestly, I feel justified.

My parents are worried if she’s found guilty she will lose her job but in my opinion, it’s her own fault.


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