Real Life Geniuses Who Took Advantage of Some Serious Loopholes

A Glitch in the System


In most states, children/teens have to take a series of specific standardized tests to determine the effectiveness of the school and the progress of the student themselves. These aren’t the APs, SAT, ACT, or TOEFLs. These are state-administered and in my state when we had to take it, people found a “glitch” so to speak.

So the way the test works is that the questions got harder the more you got right. Also, it was not timed so you could pause the test. However, whenever you paused and then came back you got a different question. This question may have been easier for you to do if you were the student.

So basically, a room of 30 or maybe more students would get a question they would get stumped on. Then pause the test and resume seconds after to receive another question that they knew how to do. Of course, you could do this as many times as you wanted to during the test. It was WILD!!

I scored 99% better in the whole state because of this. (The new question would be in the same difficulty “set” as the one you couldn’t do. The new question you got just might have been faster to do or easier to comprehend. So it was kind of a half glitch and you still had to be a little smart).


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