Real Life Geniuses Who Took Advantage of Some Serious Loopholes

Four For the Price of One

Wikimedia Commons

The Walmart by my house used to have this craft brew display (Lagunitas for those familiar) set up in their booze section. They had big sealed boxes of four six-packs stacked on top of each other to make the display, then they had individual six-packs sitting on top. But they had made a huge mistake.

I guess the box of four six-packs had the same barcode as an individual six-pack, because when I scanned the big box at the self-checkout it only charged me for a single six-pack. It was like buy one get three free! I did this like every other day for a month, I had boxes upon boxes of this stuff stacked up next to my fridge lol!

I even got stopped twice by the more vigilant employees when they checked my ID to put in their approval code on the self-checkout machine and noticed the price on the screen. I played dumb both times and they didn’t really do much except make me put the box back and get a single six-pack.

They didn’t change the display though, so I just went back the next day and did it again. Eventually, they took the display down, but boy was that one inebriated summer!


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