Real Life Geniuses Who Took Advantage of Some Serious Loopholes

Time Off


Complex, but lucrative: our HR guy is a known idiot. When I was first hired years ago, it was for a temp gig, just six weeks, which I took for some extra money. I did that same gig once a year for a few years until a permanent spot opened up and I was hired full-time, year-round.

I was a temp for four years, and full-time for four and counting. Yay me. Without getting into the particulars of how my company doles out PTO hours, just understand that they’re extremely generous about it for full-timers (a set number plus an amount based on hours worked per month), while temps get nothing.

Turns out, our HR idiot had originally classified me as full-time way back when, so I’ve been accruing at the full-time rate for eight years. In six months, I’ll cap out around 800 hours, which usually takes about ten years of legitimate full-time employment.


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