Real Life Geniuses Who Took Advantage of Some Serious Loopholes

Under Warranty


I purchased a wireless keyboard at least eight years ago, maybe ten? It’s awesome, except I broke one of the keys about two years later, so I contacted the manufacturer to see about just buying a replacement control key because the keyboard is awesome and I thought just the key would be cheap. But they said it’s still under warranty and they sent me a replacement keyboard.

About two or three years later, a similar thing happens and I’m all set to throw down money for a replacement, but the replacement keyboard’s warranty time started when they sent me that one, so I wound up with a replacement for my replacement. This just kept going on.

I’m currently on my third or fourth replacement keyboard. I’ve lost count. (Over the years, the design of the keyboard has improved so much, the current one is not at all identical to the original K800 I purchased, but it’s still a fantastic keyboard. If they would ever give me an opportunity to get a replacement, I would).


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