Real Life Geniuses Who Took Advantage of Some Serious Loopholes

A Meaty Deal


In college one weekend, my girlfriend (now wife) and I were celebrating some special occasion. Maybe a birthday, don’t quite remember. At any rate, I went to Kroger to pick up some steaks and I got this pack of two really nice filet mignons.

They were normally priced around $25 for the two-pack depending on total weight but there was a special going on so they were “only” $18. But we’d done good on our grocery budget that month and could afford the splurge so I got them.

We get to the checkout and it rings up the $25 price. The store policy was that if meats rang up with the wrong price they were free so I walked out with two free steaks. Of course, being a broke college student I walked right back in there and filled up the cart with every last package of those steaks and they all rang up wrong so they were free.

We ate delicious steak for every meal for a few days after that. We were tired of it by the time we finally finished them.


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