That Has Never Happened Before

My parents managed a pub in London, and we lived in a flat directly above said pub. We always used to think there was a ghost of some sort living there because the lights attached to the ceiling above the bar would swing, and we would hear creaking noises.
However, there was one night when I was staying at home for a short while when something even spookier happened. At about 1 AM, all the alarms had been put on, and the lights were turned off. The way the alarm system worked was that if there was a large amount of movement detected, it went off.
I was still awake while the rest of my family had gone to bed for the night when the alarm went off. I had only ever heard it go off once before, and that was scary in itself.
I thought I needed to get a bat or massive flashlight or something. My mom and dad came barging out of their bedrooms, and we unlocked the door separating our flat from the pub. We turned on the lights, and each grabbed something big just in case someone had broken in.
We walked about the bar area for a little while searching for someone. We were going full-on special forces—checking corners, banging doors open with our feet. Then we noticed something weird.
Some of the electronics and fuses for the pub were hidden behind a small wooden door/panel near the men’s toilets. It usually latched, so it doesn’t randomly come loose and smack a customer in the face. The panel was wide open. It was something that had never happened before.
There was no way a rat or something like that could’ve done it. The latch and panel itself were way too heavy to be moved by something that small, which also meant it couldn’t have been a draft.
I suggested we check the CCTV the next day. The door had wildly swung open for no apparent reason. We all agreed it must have been a ghost. Story credit: Reddit / Boxintops