The Dark Truth

I rented and later bought a house in Denver. There were two stairways into the basement. The door to the front stairway was always closed, and we never used it. The stairs were steep, always super cold, and not terribly convenient.
That door would swing open every day or so while I was sitting on the couch and then close. When I would get up to go check it, it would be latched shut.
As I was preparing to buy the house from the landlord, I got a note from an attorney that the authorities wanted to come over and do some crime scene stuff. That was how I found out the dark truth.
The previous tenant had accidentally shot herself in the chest while cleaning a double barrel while her husband was in the basement. He supposedly didn’t hear it and was acquitted.
After I bought the house, I had it “smudged” and “cleansed” by a psychic who told her it was okay to go. The door never opened on its own again after that. Story credit: Reddit / DougbertHanson