Still Enjoying the Music

The house we lived in was photographed in the 1860s in a book in the local library. It was shown to be one of the first houses to have a radio and some sort of headphone device on top of someone’s head. One day, I went to school and my mom was home alone, cleaning up after I had left.
She was doing her thing when she began to hear music upstairs. She thought that I had left the radio on. She got to the top of the stairs, which had an open railing. She looked to the right, and nearly screamed.
There was a pair of legs standing there tapping feet to the music. She didn’t even stay to look up for a body. She noped out as soon as the music stopped and the legs began to turn toward her.
I was 15 at the time, and my mom made me sleep with her for a week. I had numerous other experiences in that house that made a skeptical, big, burly construction worker with sun-kissed skin turn pale as a ghost. Story credit: Reddit / Clowning101