
I lived in a haunted house for 10 years. I had five kids while living there. Every one of my kids saw the man in the hat on the wall. They all saw him when they were between the ages of two to five. Then another spooky development occurred.
When they turned six, they stopped seeing him, just never talked about him again. Once, I heard my son screaming for me in the middle of the night when he was five. When I went to him, he begged me to make his drawers stop. I asked him, “Stop what”?
He said they kept opening and slamming shut, and he couldn’t sleep because it was too noisy. Things got moved and lost all of the time, it was just constant. The spirit did not like babysitters and would torment every one. The most violent episode was when I let my 15-year-old brother watch my kids.
When we got home around 2 AM, we found my brother sitting on the steps in the hallway between the front door and the kids’ bedrooms. When I saw him, I just knew the worst had happened. He was shaking and crying.
He said that when he got the kids in bed, the pounding started—everywhere and all over the house. At one point, it was so bad that he went outside to see if people were outside hitting the house, but there was no one there.
He had gone out the back door to check, and when he walked back inside, he saw the reflection of someone in the mirror walking up the steps to the kids’ rooms. He went running, thinking that someone had snuck in when he was outside. He checked everywhere, and there was no one in the house.
Then when he was upstairs, he saw a shadowy figure streak around the corner of the steps. He heard the front door open and shut. He went running down the steps, but the door was closed and locked.
He spent the next three hours chasing this shadow and hearing the doors open and close. He never babysat for us again. No one would. I had lights shatter above our heads, and my children would laugh and talk to people in their rooms.
We had neighbors call us at all hours of the night asking if we were OK because they saw gangs of people in our yard and sneaking around our windows.
The authorities got so used to getting the same emergency call that they stationed an officer in the back of our house to watch our house between 2 and 3 AM.
We finally moved, and the people that moved in after us only stayed for a month. They said it was too scary, and the house remained vacant for a very long time afterward. Story credit: Reddit / indianorphan