Real Life Haunted House Stories That Will Send a Chill Down Your Spine

Who Said My Name?


Growing up, my brother and I lived with our single mother. The house was a little 500-square-foot home, but we were young, so it wasn’t a huge deal. My mom remarried, and the newlyweds decided to tear down the old house and build a ranch on the land.

Strange things started happening almost instantly after we moved back into it. One of the weirdest things occurred when my brother and I were in the house alone.

We were hanging out at an island in the kitchen, talking about what teenage boys talk about, when I heard something that made my blood run cold. It was the faintest whisper of someone saying my brother’s name. At first, I thought I was probably just hearing things.

Then, about 30 seconds later, I heard my brother’s name again, a little louder. He was talking when I heard the second whisper. He seemed to hear it, too, because he stopped what he was saying briefly.

Finally, about 15 seconds after the second interruption, clearly and angrily, a raspy voice says his name. We looked at each other, terrified.

My brother asked, “Did someone just say my name”? I told him I had heard it more than once. He said, “Three times, right”? We grabbed our coats and left. Story credit: Reddit / FynnCobb

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