A Polite Apparition

It was 3 AM, and I was just getting up to turn the heat off and putter around after falling asleep on the sofa. I was yawning and rubbing my eyes and was just about to get up to go to bed when I realized there was a noise that was getting louder and louder.
I suddenly turned my head and saw the kettle boiling by all by itself in the corner. I freaked out, thinking I had lost time and it was me, but before I could stop myself, the words “But I don’t want tea or coffee”, came out of my mouth. The kettle then clicked off by itself. It wasn’t at the end of the boil, either.
Also, as soon as I said that, I felt guilty and thought I shouldn’t have been scared. It was apparently just a friendly offer. Two days later, I was at the dining room table with a friend. We were both around the corner from the kettle, and nobody else was in the house when it started boiling again.
My friend rushed over and pointed out that the button for the kettle had been pushed. So much relief came over me that I wasn’t insane and that this really had happened. Another time, I was lying in bed and could hear a conversation. It was 4 AM, and there was no one else around.
Any neighbors were 20 feet away on either side. Then the kettle started boiling. I was angry, so I yelled out, “Please stop boiling the kettle. We have people asleep upstairs”, and it clicked off again. It was very, very strange. Story credit: Reddit / si-gnalfire