Peace of Mind

When I was in college, I lived in an old haunted house. Things got so weird that everyone moved out except for one roommate and me. One day, I woke up at 3 AM because my roommate’s door kept opening and slamming shut.
From my bed, I yelled for him to stop, only to realize I was the only one home that weekend. As soon as I yelled, the slamming stopped. However, the hippy beads I had hanging outside my closed door began to sway perfectly, yet aggressively, against the door frame, for a half-hour.
While I debated if I should pop out my air condition unit and jump out of the window, I laid in the fetal position in bed until it stopped. But it wasn’t over yet. Another night, while alone again, I woke up once more at 3 AM. I heard the Nintendo on the back porch playing loudly.
I figured some tipsy kid had come in and started playing. I grabbed a bat and walked towards the back of the house as the music got louder and louder. As soon as I opened the door, it was completely quiet—meanwhile, it had been loud enough to wake me up from my bed.
When I had friends over and told them the house was haunted, no one believed me. So, I asked the ghost to do anything to prove it was there. As soon as I asked, it happened. All the lights in the house began flickering for about a minute straight.
This was the middle of the day, and everyone witnessed it and knew what I was talking about. Every time something spooky happened, the house would smell like old lady, flowery perfume. The house had a door built into the flooring that led to the basement.
We always had a rug covering it, so no one knew it was there. Things would constantly go missing in the house and later turn up in the basement. The place had a coal chute from when it was heated by coal back in the day.
Missing stuff would always be placed on the chute for us to come and get. Late one night, while playing video games, my roommate saw a mist hovering from the kitchen and then moved to the bathroom. The bathroom had a trap door that led to the attic.
We figured that was where the old-lady ghost liked to hang out during the night. Another night when my roommate was up late, he went to lock the doors and turn off the lights. When he turned his back on the room and walked to the door, someone breathed into his ear, “Haaa”.
He thought it was me, but I was sleeping. He turned around and ran to his room. He was too afraid to come out and turn off the lights and TV. There were loud thumps in the attic at all hours.
For peace of mind, we told ourselves squirrels must’ve gotten in there, but we soon found out how wrong we were. Voices would wake us up in the middle of the night. I spent many mornings on the front porch waiting for the sun to come up before I would go back into the house.
Years later, I had a friend who rented a different place in the same town and from the same landlord. He and his roommates moved out because that house was also haunted, as it turned out.
I didn’t think it was too weird until he told me that when all the weird stuff happened, it was accompanied by old-lady, flowery, stinky perfume. Story credit: Reddit / munchyz