A Lingering Smell

I used to live in an apartment where my family and I had several experiences. My mom was on a video call with my grandma in the middle of the night. I was asleep, my brother was out somewhere, and my dad was working.
They were having a normal chat when my grandma suddenly asked, “Hey, how are you”? My mom was confused. They were in the middle of a run-of-the-mill conversation, so she asked why she said that. Her answer was terrifying. My grandma answered her, saying, “Isn’t that your son behind you”?
My mom was in bed. It scared my mom because there was nobody else awake and it still freaks her out to this day. But it wasn’t the last creepy incident. Then, when my brother was in his room chilling at about 9 or 10 at night, he heard my dad’s voice talking.
At first, he said he thought he was talking with my mom, but then he heard nobody reply, so he thought he was talking on the phone. The next morning, he asked mom if my dad had come home, and she said that he was still out of town.
That freaked my brother out because he had heard my dad talking. He told my mom what he heard, and with my mom’s experiences, she believed him, and they were both freaked out. I was always a believer and got scared easily. If I felt scared at night, I would sleep with my parents.
However, this one night, I was sleeping in my room. I was scared to fall asleep, so most of the night I was on my phone, occasionally looking around my room. I kept on reassuring myself that if anything happened, it would be easy for my parents to hear me yell out for them since our rooms were so close.
It didn’t stop my worst nightmare from occurring. I was dozing off to sleep when I heard scratching on the walls. That had never happened before. I was completely frozen in fear. I called out for my parents. They came to my room, and I told them what had happened.
They told me it just could have been squirrels in the walls since there was a tree right next to my room. I knew that wasn’t squirrels. We had never heard scratching before from anything.
Before we moved out, we got a dog—a little Yorkie. He was never afraid to bark at anything he didn’t like. So sometimes when he barked, we brushed it off. One day in the afternoon, my mom, grandma, cousin, and I were watching TV in the living room with my dog, who was just lying on the floor.
Then, out of nowhere, my dog got up, looked at the dark hallway that led to the bedrooms, and started barking. We were all freaked out because he had never done that before. He then came running to me and curled up into a ball in between my legs.
We ignored it and went back to watching TV, but everybody was scared. Closed kitchen cabinets would slam shut, and some nights you could smell an awful stench. The smell would only be in my room and my parents’ room.
My sister’s room, the living room, or even the kitchen didn’t have the smell. Thank goodness we moved out! Story credit: Reddit / mushrooom-tea