Real Life Haunted House Stories That Will Send a Chill Down Your Spine

She Made Her Presence Known


The house I grew up in was haunted by Mrs. Frear. It was built in the 70s, and it was her dream home when she built it. Mrs. Frear wound up passing in the house. When I was home by myself, I would hear walking upstairs. The previous owners had remodeled the kitchen on the cheap. 

Mrs. Frear hated it and would bang cabinet doors. I remember walking downstairs when I was 11 or 12 after cabinet doors slammed, and my mom was standing there.

She looked at me, then looked into the kitchen and said, “Mrs. Frear, I don’t like the kitchen either, and as soon as we have the money, we’re going to remodel this kitchen”. The cabinet slamming stopped from that point on. When the kitchen was finally remodeled, things got even weirder. 

I would walk into it, and there would be the smell of fresh-baked foods, even though not a single person was awake to cook yet. I guess she liked the new kitchen. Another time, I was sitting in my room on my computer, and the door knob turned, and the door opened.

I would tell Mrs. Frear that she was welcome to stay as long as she liked. The door would shut and latch, usually about 15 minutes later. One time, my friend stayed the night. He said he woke up and saw an elderly woman in a dress staring out the window.

Mrs. Frear looked at him, and her image faded away over time to just a ghostly imprint. When my parents were out of town, I fell asleep on the couch watching a movie. I had ordered a pizza. I woke up to a quilt over top of me that was on the other side of the room when I fell asleep. 

The pizza box was closed, and my plate was on top of the box. But that wasn’t all. My sister had a friend that was a little on the strange side. She must have been some sort of medium because one day, she was over and we were all talking in the kitchen. She looked at us and said, “Mrs. Frear likes the new kitchen”.

She also told us, “Mrs. Frear likes your brother the most”. No one had told her that our house was haunted. Every time I would go home to visit my parents, she always made her presence known.

I always told Mrs. Frear that I missed her, and I’m glad to know she was doing well. She was not a bad ghost at all. She was just making sure that her dream house was being looked after. Story credit: Reddit / fapvass

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